19 September 2006

tuesday-things that displease me

  • that i have class on talk like a pirate day, which blows (me down). we are having our fifth annual tlapd party (a pirate potluck) on friday. let me know if you're in the area and want some grog.
  • apple. now you have heard me complain about this before. now, they are finally acknowledgingthat i have sent in all my paperwork (after almost a year of sending them copies of things that i had sent them the last time). now they're saying that i need to send them $30. now all the people who didn't really have broken batteries, but were part of the settlement anyway could get a gift certificate for $50. my battery is really broken, and i have to send them money? that also blows (me down).
  • arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

1 comment:

Simeon Berry said...

Apple, you used to be so cute and endearing. Not a soul-less automaton, like Darth Vader IBM. Now you're brightly colored and spunkily insipid, like the Robin Williams robot in that awful movie.