27 March 2007

tuesday-things that displease me

  • verizon
  • dirty dishes
  • commercials that animate mucus or fungus
  • this new daylight savings time--i think my body has rejected it. i cannot fall asleep at night or get up in the morning. what is the point of an extra hour of light in the evening when it's 42 and raining, and we have to wake up in the dark?!


Simeon Berry said...

I myself am endlessly amused/irritated by those computer graphics of your hair being rejuvenated/energized/atomized/liquified by magical particles of shampoo/moisturizer/cow's blood, as if there was specific scientific way these things happened. ("Look, Bobby, see how these octangonal globules of lanolin bond with the molecular structure of your skin?")

Anonymous said...

Miss Molly and I also do not like Daylight savings...I've been wanting to go to bed later...and wake up later too..I'm really sun-oriented when i sleep...I tend to wake up when its a certain amount of light out...I'm not talking full sun, but at least a little lightening in the east. =)