30 March 2007

friday-things that astonish me

  • my friend miss m
  • her amazing play, lift, which i predict will win a tony award in the near future. (i'm serious. if you live around here, it's still playing tonight and tomorrow. go. get in on the ground floor. save your ticket stubs--they'll be worth something one day)
  • that nix and i are still capable of staying out until almost one on a school night (that's not an indication of how long the play is, just of how much fun miss m herself is, and of how poor is the service at a theatre adjacent bar)
  • the grammar in that last parenthetical

1 comment:

Simeon Berry said...

I can vouch for both the play and the fabulous Miss M. Lift is lyrical, funny, and deft, and I am not at all surprised, as Miss M herself is all that and a bag of chips and an aero-plane flying machine of the most rarified materials. (This is not to suggest an obsession with large engines--the play is about first flight.)