22 March 2007

thursday-things that make the heart beat faster

the view from someplace very high

i grew up next to a mountain, and there is nothing quite like standing at the top and looking down at the world below. once upon a time, on a school trip i sat on the edge of an aqueduct where even the toughest kids were cowering a few steps back. a classmate accused me of faking a fear of heights on the plane.

i love heights. i hate flying.


Simeon Berry said...

I don't really mind heights in a theoretical way, but when I painted houses, I found myself just moving slowly on the ladders and scaffold, like a sloth. Perhaps that had something to do with the longevity of my career as a house painter.

What's that thingy? The Thanatos Urge (or death instinct) that pulls us toward the edge? I've been trying to cultivate a Fried Food Urge, which pulls us toward donuts.

k. said...

mean spirited, considering i gave up fried food for lent!

Simeon Berry said...

I'm planning a fried food bonanza once when Lent is over, so have no fear.