27 August 2012

I guess I knew the tricks that all boys knew...

So, my adorable little college town has had two rapes (as the GOP would qualify, forcible rapes) on campus in the last two weeks. Both of these happened on the route which is my normal walk home.  One happened directly outside my office. 

So my mind keeps coming back to Dar Williams and this song - which has the line: And I hear somebody tell me it's not safe,/someone should help me/I need to find a nice man to walk me home.
Well, I did get home, after a not so late night at a work function. But I didn't walk through the lovely little park by myself at 8:30. And, well, fuck. It is a miserable state of the world that I walk three blocks out of my way in heels so I don't have to be alone in this park.

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