22 December 2006

friday-things that amuse me

last night i was waiting in line at the cvs, and the guy in front of me said "merry christmas" to the woman behind the counter. this cued his 3 year old, who yelled "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" like he was delivering it to the cheap seats. we agreed that this was spoken like a kid who knew that santa was coming.


i'm taking christmas break here, and i'll hopefully figure out what i want to do about that pesky term of use. i started this thing to make me take more pictures with a new camera, and if i can't post them without having them turn up in google ads, i'm not sure i want to continue here.

anyway, in the meantime, and in the words of krusty the clown "have a merry christmas, a happy chanukkah, a crazy kwanza, and a solemn and dignified ramadan"


Rust Mustang said...

don;t leave

Anonymous said...

Is this the same if you use flickr photo? I haven't signed into flickr's newish page... (I continue to sign in as an "old skool user")--is the problem the photo service or the google based blog? I haven't signed in to blog updates yet...is this a new blog problem? ps-- MERRY CHRISTMAS To you ! (Im about to go act the part of santa) - nu