22 November 2006

number 200

yes we have no life

i keep attempting surveys on big numbers, with more success at 100 than i had at 50.

in honor of the season, say one thing you're thankful for, or one thing you want for christmas.

happy commenting!


Anonymous said...

good friends' blogs. had a dream last night that i met you and sim in charolette (sp) nc whre you were attending, sill yes, hemingway university finishing your english degrees. the three of us went out to eat at a nice resturant where you were able to rent books at the tables. ahh, random neurons.

Somerville Hound and Kitty Care said...

Thankful that I moved east. Thankful that I met you both. Thankful that my cat didn't die on Monday. . . in general, I'm having a thankful kind of week.

(hope to see you soon--nu)