31 March 2011

Peter Mulvery Lyrics Stuck in my Head

I watched his concert on-line (oh, these amazing internets), and in my tired, dreary, getting over a cold, snowing as we move into April moment, some of his lyrics particularly resonated. So here, in no particular order (videos where I could find them):

  • You my parlor music. You, my kitchen sink. You the barefoot midnight crossing, of you my skating rink. (tragically, I can't find a video, for what I think is the truest love song ever written)
  • These days it's all about the monkeys. (also, sadly no video, but I think that says it all, really)
and here's him singing my sister's song.

28 March 2011


Apparently, one needs to be eighteen or above to purchase expectorant:

Is the act of clearing bronchial passageways somehow illicit? Are productive coughs only for people of voting age? Am I missing some way of getting high off of this?

I looked up the active ingredient, and other than helping me with gout, I can't see any upside (other than helping me sound a bit less like Camille).

27 March 2011

For the Right Party?

Though at what sort of party one would wear a gold lamé and knot demo gown, I'm not entirely sure...

26 March 2011

Why The Sad Face?

Theatrical Experiences That I Found More Enjoyable Than the Play We Saw Last Night

JSP and I finally gave up and walked out about 45 minutes into it. The usher whispered to us that if we left, we wouldn't be able to get back in. When JSP said that it was okay, the usher laughed. Turns out that it's a good thing we left when we did, as there apparently was no intermission.

22 March 2011

Orange Spring Things

I took these on Friday when it was 66 degrees and felt for a moment that we had rid ourselves of winter...

And here's a little Josh Ritter to celebrate springtime.

And for those of you who keep track, I didn't have money in my pocket when I heard the first bird of spring, so am doomed to be broke all year...

21 March 2011

My Exciting Evening

  • pajamas
  • cat
  • NyQuil
  • The Tutors Tudors on Netflix
I need this cold/hay fever/whatever to give me a break already.

* (I had put this in the comments section, but think it should probably be in the post as well) Wow - NyQuil and Jonathan Rhys Meyers left me incapable of correct spelling....I'm home sick today, so more of the same is expected.

** The next day, I went on to type the word "indeering" in an email, so I'm not much better on DayQuil.

16 March 2011

Helpful Hints

This actually came up on my computer screen this morning.

(I didn't take the picture that is on my desktop, so I cropped off the ladies' heads - it's a super cute picture though!)

09 March 2011

Things That Were Perhaps Ill-Advised

So, on our way from the Lego store, we wandered around the mall for a while and found these in a store window:

Because Che Guevara and Nazi mannequins are obviously an appropriate way to sell yoga pants.

(and for those keeping track, this was not in the 02138 – we have our standards!)

07 March 2011


I have to assume that this tree was buried under a snow bank until this morning and it's not just someone who is really behind, but who's to say...

It reminds me of the Shel Silverstein poem, that I post here with no permissions whatsoever (but with all credit, respect and love)...


No one's hangin' stockin's up,
No one's bakin' pie,
No one's lookin' up to see
A new star in the sky.
No one's talkin' brotherhood,
No one's givin' gifts,
And no one loves a Christmas tree
On March the twenty-fifth.

06 March 2011


So, we went on an adventure to the Lego store, and these are some of the things that we found there:

and here is a bin of goblets, pick-axes and handcuffs. What kind of Lego store are they running here?