31 July 2007

tuesday-things that displease me

  • my bruised knee
  • my sun burn
  • my paper cut

i look like i'm six! i should break out the pirate band-aids and be done with it.

30 July 2007

monday-things that please me

  • nix back from texas
  • cal ripkin, jr--welcome to the hall of fame, sir.

r.i.p. ingmar bergman

27 July 2007

friday-things that puzzle me

why people feel the need to re-invent shakespeare

over the past few years i have seen
  • hamlet in nazi germany (this was the one with the ghost on stilts and the moat)
  • taming of the shew in boston's north end (not that i saw it there, that was where it was set)(bonus--petruchio takes kate away to revere beach)
  • and now, last night, what i can only describe as midsummer night's dream in space. i didn't get a program, so i can't really verify what the artistic vision was. but the athenians were dressed in lab coats and the fairies looked like alien drag queens. the players looked like park rangers. puck look like he'd spent too long at mystic tan.

bonus--i saw a guy wearing a shirt that said "shakesepeare hates your emo poetry"

26 July 2007

thursday-things that make the heart beat faster

  • realizing that i turned off my alarm instead of hitting snooze
  • yoga in the morning
  • a really nice sunset (thank you miss b)

obviously not in that order. . .

24 July 2007

tuesday-things that displease me

  • the backs of my legs (i'd post a picture, but a. i haven't been keeping up with my yoga, and b. you might be eating breakfast--you'll have to trust me on their still really burned and tragic condition)
  • that many people spent money to see i now pronounce you chuck and larry
  • hillary clinton--i know i keep saying that, but she keeps displeasing me, and what's worse, she keeps leading in the polls. here, again, because nobody seems to be listening, is molly ivins' take on the subject
  • which reminds me that i'm still so sad that we lost miss molly. we need her and no one has risen to fill the void that she left.

23 July 2007

monday-things that please me

  • finding these at my grocery store

20 July 2007

friday-things that puzzle me

  • how to get a copy of the new harry potter book without waiting in line or attending a party
  • how to get rid of my sunburn lines without going into the sun
  • the first 100 pages of the life and opinions of tristram shandy, gentleman (i don't mean to imply that i understand the next 376--i've only gotten to 100 so far)(joyce has nothing on sterne)

19 July 2007

thursday-things for which i am thankful

  • that nix bought cream for my coffee
  • that more people weren't hurt in the ny steam explosion
  • that there are fewer days left to work in this week than we have already endured

17 July 2007

tuesday-things that displease me

  • sunburn
  • day long conferences
  • spf 30 that still doesn't prevent sunburn.

i am no longer going outside without a mumu and a large hat

12 July 2007

thursday-things that make the heart beat faster

i was going to say michael chertoff, as watching him on the today show does give me palpitations, but i've decided to stay positive, so i'll go with:

inside the park home runs (you tube link)

10 July 2007

tuesday-things that displease me

  • american politics
  • world politics
  • republicans
  • democrats
  • almost every presidential candidate
  • the tone of the debate
  • tony snow
  • scooter libby
  • people who won't apologize or take responsibility for their votes
  • everything on the news