30 June 2006

friday-things that puzzle me

why my poor little tomato plant died after one week of me being away and forgetting to remind nix to water it

and yet the one that has been sitting on the window sill in the basement of my office building that no one has taken care of for at least a month seems to be doing just fine.

27 June 2006

tuesday-things that displease me

several of my cousins, who said to their brother, it's fine that you're gay--just don't kiss your partner around our kids.

what's worse is they all think that they are accepting and enlightened.

26 June 2006

monday-things that please me

this is just about my favorite place in the world:

and baby feet also please me:

i'm back y'all!

thank you to nix for covering while i was away.

note-i'm not sure who took that katrina photo* - i later received it forwarded from many others.

*(please see update on 29-june-2006)

16 June 2006

out of office reply

i'm going on vacation, kids (if you want to know where, look at a map and see where it's raining, and i'll probably be there). so here are the postings for next week:

  • things that please me: the smell of honeysuckle blooming
  • things that displease me: the smell of old dish sponges
  • things that are orange: my friend maloney's first car
  • things that i need: good weather on my vacation
  • things that puzzle me: su doku (puzzles me how bad i am at them, and how i can't stop trying to do them)

so there you go. i'll be back on the 26th.



friday-things that puzzle me

in honor of bloomsday, i'm going to say that steven joyce puzzles me

15 June 2006

thursday-things that i need

for my horrible cat to stop trying to eat my tomato plant

josephine baker sang a song called "don't touch my tomatoes" which comes to mind. jack put george symonette singing this song on a cd for me, but i can't find a link that will play the song, so josephine you get. plus i bet george symonette never danced in a skirt made of bananas (you have to scroll down for a while on that link, but i thought it was worth it to link to the washington banana museum).

13 June 2006

tuesday-things that displease me

  • motorcycles and car alarms before 6:30 in the morning
  • motorcycles and car alarms any other time
  • karl rove, who is apparently completely innocent in the valerie plame leak case. i mean really, do you expect me to believe that someone named scooter was the brilliant mastermind behind all this? click here to contribute to scooter's defense fund.

12 June 2006

monday-things that please me

08 June 2006

thursday-things that i need

to stop coughing

seriously, this is getting out of hand

okay, can i at least stop coughing at night? i haven't slept in 4 days!


07 June 2006

wednesday-things that are orange

question for the day: who, besides me i mean, gets a cold in june?!

06 June 2006

tuesday-things that displease me

ann coulter (no she doesn't merit a link)

the democratic party, which refuses to take a stand on anything, and figure that being against the shrub is enough. that platform has worked so well for the last 6 years.

people who think that gay marriage threatens straight marriage. no. brittany spears threatens straight marriage. jessica simpson threatens straight marriage. two people entering a covenant with each other, and a binding legal contract pose no threat.

sorry - that's what happens to me when item number one is the first voice i hear when i wake up in the morning. more mornings like this and i'm switching to good morning america.

05 June 2006

monday-things that please me

you tube

where else can you find sesame street, vice president al gore and a room full of pirates in the same place?

(oh, those links open right into videos, so if you're at work, you may want to adjust your volume accordingly)

02 June 2006