28 April 2011

They Say It's Spring...

This is my favorite house in our fair city (it was the one that had snowdrops while it was still snowing). I think this garden should constitute a community service for keeping the rest of us less depressed.

21 April 2011

Overheard from my Office Window

"Look - everyone is not aware that you're having sex with both of them."

My office is on the third floor, dude. If I know, everyone knows...

11 April 2011

Overheard in New York

"What is the difference between an appletini and a French martini?"
"Easy. An appletini tastes like apples. A French martini tastes like French people."

This is what a French martini tastes like:

Or, at least, that's what I think a French martini tastes like. The internet and the woman who Mrs. K and I struck up a conversation with after her "tastes like French people" comment think that it involves pineapple juice and Chambord.

I take the fact that the restaurant we found ourselves in 20 minutes later had the pictured wall of lillet is the universe telling me that I'm right.

03 April 2011

Overheard in Boston - late night edition

Even though Ani posted it on Facebook, it is too good not to share:

"Why did a Tibetan nun slap you?"
"Because they are bitches."