31 October 2010

28 October 2010

Trucks that have driven by my window this morning that are not the NSTAR Truck that I am waiting for:

  • some sort of sewage truck
  • a Fed Ex Truck
  • a sketchy blue truck that stopped and picked up some old fixtures from my neighbor's house
  • the Magic Hat truck
  • the NSTAR van - yes - it has driven by my apartment twice and not stopped or called. I called dispatch to see if my phone had just missed the call. But no, they haven't called.

I hate NSTAR!

Public Service Announcement

My lovely friend Sara has a very sick dad. To offset his medical expenses, she is doing a very cool thing - making one thousand paper cranes, and accepting sponsorship of said cranes for $2 each. All the info is here.

So, for those of you who know Sara - or for those of you who have $2 and a paypal account, you know what to do.

And here is a crane for you that I made. I'm sure the ones she makes are vastly superior, but you know how I love a visual aid. Plus - orange!

21 October 2010

Recommended Cambridge Halloween Costumes

(This post is dedicated to the two blue-eyed blond girls who arrived on my door step two Halloweens ago with cornrows in their hair. When my neighbor and I asked what they were dressed as, one of them said "We're African basket-weavers." Only in 02138, my friends.)

08 October 2010

Open Letter to the Tour Guide with the Bullhorn Outside my Office Window

Dear Tour Guide,

Telling the tourists that the students who live in the same building as the President's Office have to be "really freaking quiet" because of the people who work in the building THROUGH A BULLHORN is not really winning you over to me.



Words That are Not the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet Code for U

  • Umbrella
  • Uvula
  • Underpants
  • Uppercut
  • Utah
  • Universe
  • Unladylike

So my father was in the army, and when he spells things out, he always uses the Alpha, Bravo &c system. It has been a life long, albeit, entirely unsuccessful, goal of mine to learn it. Yesterday evening, as I was walking home from work, I was almost all the way there, and I got stuck on U. I'll look it up when I finish typing this sentence, but you can be assured that it isn't any of those...

And the winner is...


07 October 2010

Dispatches from My Spam Filter

I really wonder what the common thread is...
  • Sup?
  • Someone on Facebook is looking for you
  • Meet 50+ singles
  • Lonely Wives! [Date Real Cheating Wives]
  • Stop Outsourcing Now!
  • Hot Hot Fun
  • Thousands of Hip Replacements Recalled Due to Failure
  • We Need Your Kindness
  • Talk to Me

03 October 2010

Laundry Day!

wow. I really don't own a lot of color, do I...

Cambridge Culinary Delights

So, since I no longer even fit into my fat pants, I'm trying the cleanse again - no pasta, no booze, no sugar, no fried. So of course, I'm watching the Phantom Gourmet and thinking of things I would like to be eating and drinking. Here is a short list of my local favorites. Enjoy for me.
and since it's breakfast/brunch time right now