29 June 2007

friday-things that amuse me

the weather yesterday:

you can't really tell, because these were just taken on my phone, but it was pouring. and the sun was shinning so brightly you could have gotten a sunburn and pneumonia at the same time.
i'm taking a vacation next week. i trust the seven of you who read this will come up with orange things on your own.

28 June 2007

thursday-things that i need

to stop hearing about dumb blonds.

i don't care if they became famous for their dad's money or for saying horrible and malicious things to sell books that feed the bigotry and intolerance that divides this country.

stop rewarding their behaviour by putting them on the news! they are not news. and it is too early in the morning to have to hear about either of them. much less both of them.

for my part, i will not refer to them here again (unless they get shot into outer-space, in which case, i will mention that as pleasing me).

22 June 2007

friday-things that DO NOT amuse me

public displays of affection. not the kiss hello or goodbye or holding hands--but the insistence on constant tonsil contact, in public, for several hours.

okay--i am officially old and cranky.

nix and i went to a play last night and the couple in front of us made out the entire time. now this was a very small theatre, so every time la femme leaned back for l'homme to bite her neck, her head bumped my knee. and even more fun, we took two separate trains with them. so all in all i had to witness about 5 hours of their undying love fore each other.

now i concede that the play was not that good, but really?

19 June 2007

tuesday-things that displease me

geothermal drilling
i appreciate that in the end it is quite wonderful that this building in the foreground will be green and sustainable and all of those tree hugging words. but right now, the thing is freaking loud. (this is the view from my office window, by the way)

18 June 2007

monday-things that please me

  • iced tea (just the regular kind, not the music video one i've mentioned before)(still a you tube link)
  • sunshine
  • that we still have three more days of lengthening daylight

15 June 2007

friday-things that amuse me

ladies and gentleman, i present to you, the ethel merman disco album

i couldn't seem to get it to play on amazon and itunes doesn't have it--so you may have to trust me that it is as remarkable as it sounds. i do love the merm!

14 June 2007

thursday-things that i need

13 June 2007

wednesday-things that are orange

these were at a party for grown-ups near my office yesterday. all afternoon it was like i was upstairs from the lamest wedding ever--a constant stream of bad music including the electric slide, groove is in the heart and love shack.
i think they did it so we wouldn't complain so much about the construction going on next door. sure they're loud and throw duct work out a third floor window, but they have never once played the macarena.

12 June 2007

tuesday-things that displease me

getting my thesis proposal back

for forty-some days it was all i wanted. now that i have it, it occurs to me that summer is now over. back to work.

08 June 2007

friday-things that amuse me

i didn't put this one up with the last round of viral marketing amusements, but i think it just won an award, so here 'tis (you tube link)

07 June 2007

thursday-things that make the heart beat faster

hearing the back door to a grey van slam at 2 a.m.

also file under things that keep me from sleeping.

06 June 2007

01 June 2007

friday-things that amuse me

alec baldwin on 30 rock.

many of you know that i am a long suffering grey's anatomy fan, but nix and i watched the nbc shows last night because i couldn't cope with mcnonsense (i didn't get home until 8 and my brain was seriously fried). i have to say, the show has some weaknesses, but mr. b was fantastic. my solution--import sarah paulson, nathan corddry and d.l. hugley from studio sorkin.

i would also like timothy busfield and allison janney to have their own show.

and bring back veronica mars

whew. i clearly need to get my thesis proposal back.