31 October 2006

tuesday-things that displease me

daylight savings time, or is it the end of daylight savings time? i never remember. whichever one just made it dark at 4 pm, i am not in favour of. also, as far as farmers go, i've never met a farmer whose life this affected (and i did grow up in cow country, despite the urbane creature you see before you). farmers get up when the sun comes up, because that's when the cows get up. the cows don't look at the clocks!

also, i'm sad i don't get to do anything for halloween because of class. i don't think the holiday was but of a feature in the early republic...

30 October 2006

monday-things that please me

  • bill bryson--nix got me his new book, which i am dying to read, as soon as i finish the paper, jacque the fatalist, and i study for my midterm...
  • yoga in bed--this dvd has re-invented my mornings
  • gilbert & sullivan--on friday a. took me to see a production of iolanthe where all of the members of parliament were played by women, and all of the fairies (including the title role) were played by men. it was bloody brilliant!

27 October 2006

friday-things that amuse me

okay this entertains me for two reasons

  • first--guy fawkes day graffiti--how obscure can you get
  • second-the last minute spelling correction attempt

whoever you are, you anti-papist, spelling-challenged tagger, i salute you.

26 October 2006

24 October 2006

tuesday-things that displease me

fall--i hate the short days, i hate back-to-school, i hate the cold. back when i lived in pastoral-ville i hated the tourists who came to look at dead leaves and drive five miles an hour

that respect for the dead has no place in the world of progress.

23 October 2006

monday-things that please me

  • sleep (hallelujah--turns out all i needed was beer)(nix thinks it's the antibiotics finally kicking in, silly nix)
  • marx brothers movies (my favorite is a night at the opera)
  • crab cakes
  • thinking about my grandmother while cooking

20 October 2006

friday-things that amuse me

(no one voted yea or nay on things that amuse me, so we'll stick with it another week)

19 October 2006

thursday-things that i need

  • to stop coughing
  • to sleep

honestly. even the codeine isn't helping. this is entirely out of control.

17 October 2006

update--even more things that displease me

okay, remember me ranting about habeas corpus, the military commissions act, and that pesky geneva convention. well, it's law now, folks.

here are the votes in the senate and the house.

i suggest you take a look at how your elected officials voted, and let them know how much you appreciate their thorough reading of the bill at hand.

tuesday-things that displease me

  • people who hit reply-all to emails
  • that this cough will not go away
  • that i have not slept for two consecutive hours in 5 days (funny side note to that--i apparently talk in my sleep when i'm sick. earlier this week, i woke nix up saying something very important about bunnies.)

13 October 2006

friday test

how about "things that amuse me"--light funny, good way to start the weekend. we'll try it for now.

12 October 2006

thursday-things that i need

  • all the rights guaranteed to me by the bill of rights (follow the link--see what you're missing out on)
  • the great writ of habeas corpus: check out olbermann and ivins to see how nice it was when we still had its protection; check out the actual military commissions act and judge for yourself; and here's a little reminder of the alien and sedition acts of 1798, so you can see that other president's have signed unconstitutional laws (spoiler, those expired when adams left office, but can you imagine how much this administration would love to bring them back)
  • i apparently need to stop taking history classes.

11 October 2006

wednesday-things that are orange

okay that's a bit of a cheat, since she's not orange. but let's look at the orange flowers and remember back to monday when it was 80 degrees (and keep remembering that as they say snow by friday...)(can i re-think what's displeasing me this week?)

thank you nu for the use of your dog

10 October 2006

tuesday-things that displease me

the produce at the grocery store last night. ye gods. why put in new displays and computer tablets if there is mold growing on your tomatoes!

06 October 2006

friday grab bag

from miss m

Things that are Farkatk(e)
our foreign policy; our domestic policy; that my cat is on prozac; that people are still wearing capri pants and it's effing october; that it's effing october

from Bubbles Moneypants

things that are parve
apparently fish, which explains the "vegetarians who eat fish" phenomenon

things that come in pods
pilot whales; registrar's assistants

05 October 2006

thursday-things that i need

  • for this week to be over
  • to finish my damned book (the one i'm reading--i haven't started a biography of alexander hamilton in my copious free time)
  • for this unusual run of washington amnesia to stop
  • this kind of faith

03 October 2006

02 October 2006

monday-things that please me

  • spaghetti squash
  • red wine (though i can't have more than one glass)
  • hot baths
  • my cat, when she's being cute, and not horrible (which isn't often)