31 March 2006

friday-things that puzzle me

how, without sounding parental or scolding, to talk to someone whom you love deeply, who will not admit that they have a problem.

30 March 2006

thursday-things that i need

to be back here...

addendum: i would also like the hot water to last a little longer in my morning shower.

25 March 2006

tuesday-things that displease me

when i put too much water into my coffee machine and the coffee comes out weak and transparent.

monday-things that please me

lawrence, kansas

i'm not kidding:


thanks to citizen koeppel for pointing this out.

out of office reply

i am getting out of dodge for a few days, so here, in advance, are monday and tuesday's posts. use them in good health.


24 March 2006

friday-things that puzzle me

how some people manage to function in the morning without coffee (nix i'm talking about you!)

21 March 2006

20 March 2006

monday-things that please me

Peter Mulvey's new album : The Knuckleball Suite which can be found at http://www.petermulvey.com/music.htm

particularly the song Marty and Lou, because as the man says, "these days it's all about the monkeys."

here are some monkeys for you:

17 March 2006

friday-things that puzzle me

i'm not sure what puzzles me more: why i have to read it, or how i'm going to finish it